Focusing on the emerging markets of West Africa
Sunu Agro, provides a range of agricultural and advisory services from asset acquisition through the whole agricultural value chain. We have worked closely at Government level and with International Aid agencies in recent years to establish a number of successful sustainable irrigated farming programmes, creating new employment, revitalising rural communities and training them in the techniques required to achieve more productive farming.
With our extensive local knowledge, influential government & commercial connections and a wealth of agricultural expertise, we are now expanding our commercial operations to establish new large scale farming projects, employing that same ethical, responsible and sustainable framework.
Considering both the environmental and socio-economic benefits that can be obtained from more integrated land use systems and better resource management practices (ie improved efficiency and ecological functions of sustainable, diversified systems generating improved productivity and income with reduced inputs and costs) while contributing to the conservation of resources, restoration of degraded lands and maintenance of ecosystems.
We would like to invite you to learn more about our company, our people and our projects. If you like what you see we would also like to invite you to join the ever expanding group of individuals & companies who are sharing in our success by becoming involved in one of our forthcoming projects.